среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


You are commenting using your Facebook account. There are also many production-ready presets that give you instant access to great sounds ranging from tight and fat, to loud and large, and even experimental and industrial styles. The Black Velvet ADpak includes 30 presets covering many different styles. Top Blog at WordPress. Black Velvet includes presets covering the cleanest alternative rock to grittiest grunge. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. There is not much to think about here people!! addictive drums adpak-black velvet

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From massive alternative hits to epic stadium-rock anthems, Black Velvet has you covered with its loud, large, and luxurious drums. The Black Velvet ADpak in action. For anyone who have read my Addictive drums review or if you have it, then will know that it is fast to load and uses very little resources, and this does not change when using the Black Velvet ADpak. Enter your email address to subscribe to Dawfreak.

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Dawfreak on Twitter Follow dawfreak. Notify me of new posts via email. You are commenting using your WordPress. Black Velvet Loud, Large and Luxurious. But how does it sound? Black Velvet contains Kick: Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Comments 0 Trackbacks 0 Leave a comment Trackback.

XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2 AdPak Black Velvet at Music Village Education

Email required Address never made public. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: You are commenting using your Twitter account. You can even automate the changes to have a tight sound in the verse and gigantic sound in the chorus!

Top Blog at WordPress.

addictive drums adpak-black velvet

You are commenting using your Facebook account. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. The drums were captured in a gymnasium-sized recording hall while the hi-hat and cymbals were recorded in a smaller studio. Products Music creation tools that inspire XO New.

Black Velvet

The 4 included Toms have a mix of snap and bottom so they can stand out when creating Tom groves and fills that need separation to not mud up the mix. There are a variety of clean presets that you can use as a starting point for your sound sculpting and tweaking. This site uses cookies. A modern classic dressed in black captured with a large, epic sound.

XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2: Black Velvet ADpak

There are also many production-ready presets that give you instant access to great sounds ranging from tight and fat, to loud and large, and even experimental and industrial styles. It once again strikes me how well sounding and flexible Addictive drums is, especially when velvst look at the computer resources it uses.

Massive drum sounds 30 production-ready presets Covers grunge to vflvet rock. The Black Velvet ADpak includes 30 presets covering many different styles. This ADpak sounds great with: If epic sounds are what you're after, Black Velvet has you covered!

Product Details Black Velvet has a unique and massive sound because it was recorded in two different spaces. Black Velvet includes presets covering the cleanest alternative rock to grittiest grunge.

addictive drums adpak-black velvet

Notify me of new comments via email. All done with slick, expensive and larger-than-life grandness. This ADpak is made with the highest demands on everything throughout the whole recording chain, capturing the unmistakable raw attitude in a luxurious package.

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