четверг, 13 февраля 2020 г.


Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here The arrangements for Deb were in my head for a long time. But with this second album, I'm quite happy listening to it, in fact I really enjoy listening to it, I'm not so worried as I was before. I'm very pessimistic about what's happening in the world, especially at the moment with the war in Iraq. Your new album Deb is so eclectic that there's a bit of everything in there: Its true that there is both fear and hope, its very ambiguous. I got the idea from an Arabic expression I love: souad massi ya kalbi

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souad massi ya kalbi

Sometimes kalbk bit too direct, it can sometimes hurt people. In fact its getting worse. This entry was posted on March 23, by Adela Galasiu. We want to protect them.

souad massi ya kalbi

Post was not sent - check your email addresses! And there's also the song Le bien et le mal.

Souad Massi | Events | Melkweg

I'm always being asked: I'm glad that so many Algerian doctors and great teachers are in France but its a pity that their reason for being here is that they can't practice at home. I couldn't listen to it, I felt really terrible.

The Saudi prince says oil prices could be "unimaginably high" unless the world acts to deter Iran. The situation in Algeria is similar to the situation in a lot of countries. I grew up steeped in Eastern African Arabic music and was also listening to a lot of western rhythms. My drummer is a Jamaican from London, he speaks in English a lot and we thought it would be interesting to send a message which would be understood by everyone.

The Guyanese bassist who plays on Yawlidi certainly adds some colour. Everything is so uncertain, in Algeria sojad live from day to day. But those I met elsewhere had practically the same story to tell.

Souad Massi - Ya Kalbi -LIVE- سعاد ماسي - يا قلبي

Then there's the Arab-Israeli conflict which has been dragging on for years. I don't know how they do it. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: We all have problems and sorrows, but life is an open book, mzssi becomes what WE make out of it. Notify me of new comments via email. You are commenting using your Google account. Malajube tone down their act. I'm very pessimistic about what's happening in the world, especially at the moment with the war in Iraq.

I use very basic chords because I don't know the complicated ones.

I don't believe in clean wars and surgical strikes, there's no such thing. The arrangements for Deb were in my head for a long time. Its not getting any better. And maybe the key to her second album lies in the words which kallbi murmurs with a smile on her lips: The Sound of Missing You. She even confesses to not working on her voice as much as she should. The pearl of the album is hidden right at the end By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. It could well be that the key to Souad's talent lies in her playful and relaxed attitude to her passion.

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